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About Darlene M. Ziebell: A 3+ Decade Journey in Business Consulting and Coaching

Hello, I’m Darlene M. Ziebell, an experienced business consultant and business coach with over three decades of entrepreneurial experience. Throughout my career, I've launched four successful...

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The Pitfall of Goal Setting Without Planning in Business

Setting business goals is a fundamental part of any business strategy. Business goal setting provides direction, motivation, and a measure of progress. However, many business owners make the...

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The Power of Personalization

Business Tip Tuesday: The Power of Personalization

In today's competitive market, standing out and building strong customer relationships is more important than ever. One of the most effective ways...

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The Art of Closing a Sale: Tapping into Customer Emotions

It is easy to close a sale when you target your customer’s emotion. In the dynamic world of sales, understanding and targeting customer emotions can transform a challenging pitch into a...

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The Power of Focus: Why "Hope" is not a word used in business

In the bustling world of business, where ambitions are high and stakes even higher, the language we use can significantly impact our outcomes. While hope is a sentiment often associated with...

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The Emperor's New Clothes: A Personal Reflection on Coaching with Integrity

Once upon a time, in a kingdom not too different from the worlds we navigate today, there lived an emperor who was obsessed with fine clothing. He spent vast sums of money to look ever more...

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The Power of Clarity: Why Your Product or Service Title Must Speak to Customers

In the vast landscape of commerce, where every business is vying for attention, the title of your product or service acts as the gateway to your offerings. It's the first impression, the initial...

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The Business Coach You Wish You Met Sooner: Fixing the Failures of Others

In the world of business coaching, timing is everything. Yet, all too often, I find myself being brought in when the damage is already done, when business owners have exhausted their resources,...

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Branding 101: Understanding the Power of Emotions in Consumer Decision-Making

In the vast and competitive marketplace of today, successful branding is more crucial than ever. It's not just about having a recognizable logo or catchy slogan; it's about understanding the...

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Grow Your Business Big by Keeping Your Target Audience Small

In the vast sea of entrepreneurship, there's a prevalent notion that to succeed, you must cast your net wide, appealing to as broad an audience as possible. While this strategy may work for some,...

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