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Why Business Consultants Deliver Financial Results Beyond Typical Business Coaching

In the world of business growth and profitability, the distinction between a business coach and a consultant can be profound. While coaches often focus on developing the individual, a seasoned...

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Guiding Success: Understanding the Differences Between Business Coaches and Consultants

As a seasoned business owner, I've often been asked about the difference between a business coach and a business consultant. Both roles are invaluable but serve distinct purposes and cater to...

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Choosing the Right Leader: Ensuring Your Business Thrives in Challenging Times

In today's rapidly changing business landscape, many companies that once thrived and reached seven-figure revenues are now facing unprecedented challenges. The aftermath of COVID-19 has seen an...

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Why 85% of Startups Fail: The Crucial Role of Strategy Over Capital

In today's digital age, the paradox of widespread business failure despite access to a plethora of experts is baffling. With statistics revealing that 85% of all startups fail before reaching their...

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"Transform Your Business: Expert Consulting Services to Help You See the Forest Beyond the Trees"

Running a business can often feel like being lost in a dense forest. As a business owner, you may find yourself tangled in day-to-day operations, leaving little time to strategize for growth....

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The Business Coach You Wish You Met Sooner: Fixing the Failures of Others

In the world of business coaching, timing is everything. Yet, all too often, I find myself being brought in when the damage is already done, when business owners have exhausted their resources,...

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Do you trust your business mentor?

Do you trust your business mentor? 

In the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship, success is often measured by not only the ideas and strategies you bring to the table but also by the...

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Shiny Business Coaches - Part 2

Ever wonder why you never received any return on your investment after you paid an online influencer for business coaching advice?  Perhaps they faked their social media proof. Here are a few...

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96% Of Business Coaches Are Shiny Ornaments

96% Of Business Coaches Are Shiny Ornaments

The other 4% provide real-life experiences and practical useful tools. Unfortunately, they may not be pretty to look at, but which would you prefer?...

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The testimonial I most often hear is, “I wish I met you sooner.” This tells me business owners wait too long to ask for help. 

Per the Small Business Administration, 85% of all...

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