Social Media Extortion Is Against The Law In Arizona.
In June 2022, Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona signed a new bill into law. Those businesses bullied by fake online social media reviews are the victims. Those using mob-like tactics to get free products or services are committing a class 4 felony under this new law.
The new law does not restrict customers from posting their opinions, but noncustomers will be held accountable for questionable posts. This new law goes into effect in late 2022 and protects businesses from being bullied and blackmailed.
Offenders convicted of this crime can spend up to three years in jail. If you are an Arizona-based company and a victim of social media extortion, please contact an attorney as soon as possible.
My business was a victim of these heinous acts. It’s important that business owners constantly review social media posts about their company and act quickly as some states have a very short statute of limitation on enacting the law.
Written by Darlene M. Ziebell
Darlene brings extensive knowledge in business consulting and entrepreneurship. She bases her methods on a unique blend of effective enterprise strategies and the battle scars she acquired in four businesses, including startups, ESOP, acquisitions, partnerships, bankruptcies, and lawsuits. Her management consulting firm grew sales by over $40M advising more than 20% of the Fortune 1000. In addition, she mentors business owners, guiding them on successful growth strategies through her customized business methodologies. Nothing beats her experience.
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