Accelerate your business through efficient business operations. 

Join successful business owners in using one of the most critical forms of a functioning business - An Operational Analysis

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Business Acceleration Methods - Business Operations 

Some of the most important processes any new business owner should focus on are business operations, how their success will be measured, and who will be responsible for their successful completion.  Anywhere from who will answer the phone and respond to emails, to which person is responsible for managing the financials.  There are so many key aspects to managing a business. It is not only which activities, but how will they be accomplished.  Throughout my career, I had my share of failures due to ineffective business operations.  Unfortunately, people continue to lose their businesses because they had the wrong people managing key functions.   Business operations are all the activities involved in the day-to-day functions of a business conducted to generate financial profits.  Business operations are the wheel that keeps the business moving daily.

Many business owners do not have the skills to operate each business function. However, it is key that you have enough knowledge to know if your operations are being managed correctly. Once you have your Vision, your Marketing, and your Branding Plans, it is time to develop your Business Operations plan.  An operating model translates your strategic roadmap into operational capabilities. It serves as the foundation for execution and provides a clear guide for you and your management team. An operating model can be made up of the following core elements:

  • Culture and corporate values
  • Corporate governance
  • Repeatable Processes
  • Organizational structure
  • Performance management
  • Information Technology
  • Risk management
  • Finance

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About Darlene

Prominent entrepreneur, author, and business consultant Darlene Ziebell is excited to be writing this blog to help others navigate the world of business. This blog is one of several initiatives she has already launched to help entrepreneurs prepare for and overcome challenges in running a business. Darlene bases her methods on lessons learned from her own companies and hundreds of consulting clients.

She is a former CEO, Director, and public speaker. In addition to her MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, her extensive career consists of practical experience bootstrapping four startups and advising the Fortune 1000 as a management consultant.

More About Acceleration

Email me at [email protected] now and schedule a complimentary one-hour session to discuss how an Operational Analysis can help you achieve a sustainable business. 

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